Under Project Features you can manage and recall data and features that are specific for the selected project.

Project Details
The Project Details button takes you to a new screen where you can fill out project specific details. -
Gear allows you to preselect all the gear the film crew will use during the shoot. -
Notes (project)
All your production notes are accessible here. -
Add a short or longer excerpt of the film or television production you’re working on. -
Reference (project)
References created throughout your project are collected here and can be reviewed and edited. -
The map gives you an overview of the locations slates were recorded.
Both Your Account (7) which displays your (user)name and the Library (8) are project-independent.
You can switch projects by either swiping the project header left or right or tapping on the arrow buttons on the side of the project header. In the center of the top bar you'll find a 'Projects' button which will display a list of all the Projects on the device. Here you can also create a new Project or open the Project Manager.