Setellite 2 ManualGENERALSynchronisation Status

Synchronisation Status

Status icon

The status icon shows the current status of the synchronisation. The following 5 stages are possible:

  1. Synchronised
    The device is fully synchronised with the server.
  2. Pending changes / Synchronising
    Changes are made on the device that are send to the server on the next synchronisation, or that changes are received from the server and the device is processing them. During synchronisation this icon spins around.
  3. Synchronisation paused
    All changes made on the device will not be send to the server and changes made on other devices are not retrieved at this time. This status is active when working offline is selected or synchronisation has been disabled for the current type of connection.
  4. Attention
    Synchronisation is not possible, this is the case when the device has no active internet connection.
  5. Synchronisation stopped
    No changes are synchronised at this time. This happens when payment for the subscription is due.

Status details

  1. Authentication
    Shows the current status of the authentication with the server. 
  2. Current Connection
    Shows the current connection ('WiFi', 'Cellular' or 'Not Connected to the Internet') and wether synchronisation is enabled for this type of connection.
  3. Synchronisation
    Shows the timestamp of the last successful synchronisation.
  4. Changelog
    Shows how many changes are pending to be uploaded to the server or to be processed by the device and how many files are being uploaded or download.


  1. Force Sync
    Trigger a synchronisation event. If possible, the device will send all pending changes and and retrieve changes and files created on other devices.
  2. Work Offline
    Available when working online (default), tapping this button will activate Offline mode. Changes are not synchronised until offline mode is turned off.
    Work Online
    When Working offline is enabled, tap this button to start working online again.
    When working offline was selected at login due to lack of an active internet connection. Tap this button to login and start working online again.